Foto: UHH/Denstorf


Linguistic (as well as cultural and social) diversity are basic characteristics of today’s societies. Their causes include, among others, increasing migration, globalisation, new technical possibilities of communication, and interactions across traditional borders. Using three nations with significant migration – Australia, China and Germany – as examples, we will explore how increasing diversity affects education and social participation, and what policies and discourses have been developed in response to linguistic diversity. Despite their different socio-political traditions in dealing with migration, the challenges and responses to linguistic diversity in the three countries share many similarities. Central among these is that linguistic diversity continues to be a central factor in social exclusion in the three countries.

Core Topics

  • Key Issues in Multilingualism
  • Language Development in Multilingual Settings
  • Language Diversity in Formal and Informal Settings
  • Multilingual Learning Motivation in a Foreign Language Context

For further information, including admission requirements, fees, and scholarship opportunities, visit the website of the Hamburg International Summer School (re-opening in February 2021).