Tricontinental Teacher Training
In this video (in English with German subtitles), we show how the TTT project works and how the research team from the 3 participating countries works together.
News from the ongoing project can be found on our Blog.
Information on the next application phase for a participation in the 2024/2025 cohort will follow soon.
Tricontinental Teacher Training is an exchange program for pre-service teachers at Universität Hamburg, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and University of Education Winneba, Ghana. Its purpose is to foster the professional development of budding teachers. As the participants of the program navigate new linguistic and cultural spaces and education systems, they are forced to deal with uncertainty. The program capitalizes on those experiences as a basis for reflection and learning.
Participants from Universität Hamburg spend 4 weeks completing a Study Camp at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA) (UNC) or at the University of Education, Winneba (Ghana) (UEW). They also attend an intensive preparation course and take part in cultural and university-based activities. After the Study Camp USA or Ghana, they return to Universität Hamburg to attend the Study Camp Germany alongside exchange students from the partner universities in North Carolina and Winneba. The full exchange program takes place over the course of nearly three semesters for the UHH students, and 1-2 semesters for UNC and UEW students (see schedule below).
Participants from the partner universities (UNC and UEW) begin the project with coursework and “hosting” their Buddies in the first Study Camp, before preparing to travel to Germany for a four-week Study Camp in Hamburg.
The program is open to all pre-service teachers at Universität Hamburg. UHH Students may apply in the 6th semester of their bachelor’s degree. The eligibility of UHH students of teacher training in vocational education in Ghana is currently under review. Students from Germany should look at the application details and FAQ on the German version of the TTT website.
Interested students from partner universities (pre-MAT and MAT students at UNC; UEW students, mainly in their final year of studies) are kindly asked to get in touch with the contact persons of their home universities.
Our goals
The project enables participants to experience education in intercultural contexts. By exposing future teachers to other cultures and encouraging them to reflect on their own experiences and perceptions, it aims to boost professionalism in teacher training studies. Specifically, participants get to observe, analyze, and discuss lessons, educational systems, and didactic methods in Germany, North Carolina, and Ghana. These experiences are intended to help them prepare for their work in diverse classrooms. The project gives participants an opportunity to reflect on their preconceptions about other educational systems and expand their knowledge and skills. They explore topics and challenges they are likely to encounter in their future career. Participants also hone their academic skills by participating in a group-based research project.
Key dates and schedule
Program plan for students from Universität Hamburg
Early summer of 2024 | Call for applications |
August 2024 | Notification of outcome |
October - February 2024/2025 | Preparatory Coursework and Digital Meeting Points between Fellows |
February/March 2025 | UHH students visit for Study Camp USA and Study Camp Ghana |
April - June 2025 | Follow Up Coursework and Digital Meeting Points between Fellows |
May/June 2025 | Study Camp Germany |
For more detailed information about application phase and process at UNC or UEW, please send an email to the UNC, resp. UEW contact person. Dates and further information can be found on the TTT-website of UNC.
Project Team at UHH
Back row f.l.t.r.: DAndreas Bonnet, Thomas Rüth
First row f.l.t.r.: Hélène Gaudet, Michel Ungruh, Anja Wilken, Telse Iwers, Cordelia von Combois, Ida Focks, Lisa Förster
not pictured: Myriam Hummel
Partner universities
University of Education Winneba (Ghana)
The School of Education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA
This project is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) from funds provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).