- About the Faculty
- Studies
- Research
- Research Center LiDS
- Faculty research areas
- Research Centre LiDS
- Professionalization of Teachers
- Uncertainty as a Dimension of Pedagogical Action
- Vernachlässigte Themen der Flüchtlingsforschung
- Thematic areas
- Migration
- Inclusion
- Digitalization and Media
- Lesson Development
- School Development
- Education Systems
- Adult and Further Education / Life-Long Learning / Vocational Education
- Sustainability
- Participation and Democracy Education
- Special Talent
- Educational Theory and History
- Visual Education
- University Teaching
- Research Topics
- Research funding
- Graduate School
- Knowledge transfer
- International
- Incomings
- Buddy Program
- Faculty partnerships
- Projects
- Diversity Contexts in Teacher Education
- Tricontinental Teacher Training
- Next Generation Partnerships
- Navigating the Digital Space: Conflict-Sensitive Support Strategies for Refugee Adolescents
- BEB-CoP Research Project
- Transcultural Encounters in Spanish Teacher Education
- Virtual Fieldwork in the Context of Global Change
- COIL - Collaborated Online International Learning
- International Doctoral Program on Education, Peace Culture, and Human Rights
- Transnational Service Learning in Contexts of Higher Education
- Recognition
- Contact
- Institutions
- Department of General, Intercultural and International Comparative Education as well as Educational Psychology (EW1)
- Educational and Social Transformation Research
- Basic Research in Education
- Evaluation of Educational Systems
- Intercultural and International Comparative Education
- DivER
- About us
- Team
- Research
- Publications
- Studies
- Service
- Secretaries' offices
- Team
- DivER
- Digital Education
- Educational Psychology
- Research
- Composure and mindfulness through introvision
- Developing modes of reflection for inclusive classrooms
- Doctoral projects
- ExeRT
- Implicit beliefs of emotions in elementary school children
- NaTexI
- Navigating the Digital Space
- Predictors and outcomes of profiles of exam-related achievement emotions: A latent transition analysis
- Reflection through supervision of practical experiences in teacher training
- TEG-Know
- The Interplay between Emotions and Achievement
- Teaching
- Staff
- Research
- Department of Primary and Secondary Education, Social Pedagogy as well as Special Needs Education (EW2)
- Department of Vocational Education and Life-Long Learning (EW3)
- Department of Languages and Aesthetic Disciplines Education (EW4)
- Physical Activity, Games and Sports
- Visual Arts
- Ancient Languages and Philosophy Education
- German Language and Literature Education
- English Language and Literature Education
- Romance Languages Education
- Russian Language Education / Turkish Language Education
- Music Education
- Theater Education and Performing Arts
- Department of Social Sciences, Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education (EW5)
- Mathematics and Introductory Mathematics Education
- Biology Education
- Chemistry Education
- Geography Education
- History Education
- Computer Science Education
- Philosophy Education
- Physics Education
- Staff
- Ongoing Projects
- 2023-2026 Knows
- 2023-2026 SMiLEY (DFG)
- 2022-2025: CoMaCl: Detecting overlapping clusters in Concept Maps respecting its Content
- 2022-2025: Mint4all (BMBF)
- 2024-2025 Climate-physics in podcasts (DBU)
- 2021-2024 PhyDiv: Physics Education in a Context of Diversity (DFG)
- 2019-2023 VAMPS Project (DFG)
- 2018-2021: Effects of linguistic complexity on students’ text comprehension
- Completed Projects
- until 2023
- 2020-2023 Students' conceptions about the viscousity of liquids
- 2019-2023: Pre-service Teachers' Sense of Belonging to Science
- 2018-2021: Effects of linguistic complexity on students’ text comprehension
- 2018-2021: Effects of Reflection and Context in Physics Lessons which Aim at Fostering Decision-Making: An Empirical Study (Villigst)
- 2018-2020 Students’ Everyday Multilingualism– A Resource for Science Education?
- 2015-2023: Profale – Cooperation between physics faculty and physics education (BMBF)
- 2015-2021: Pre-service Physics Teachers’ beliefs about Language and Language Diversity in Physics Education (BMBF)
- 2015-2019: Physics teachers’ assessment criteria
- 2015-2019: Development and Validation of an Instrument for Identifying Noticing of Physics Pre-Service Teachers (BMBF)
- 2014-2023: Research Oriented Bachelor Thesis with Nature of Science
- 2014-2023: Difficulty of language and items
- 2014-2016: Development of a Student Research Centre
- 2013-2016: Students Intuitions and Emotions while Making Decisions about Sustainable Development (DBU)
- 2012-2016: Reconstructing Students’ Beliefs about the Diachronic Nature of Science
- Since 2008: Inquiry-Based Learning Enriched by History and Philosophy of Science
- until 2015
- 2013-2015 MaPhy: Mathematics in Physics Teaching (AvH)
- 2012-2014: Quod erat demonstrandum: Deepening the understanding of formulas in physics educationn (AvH)
- 2012-2014 Development and validation of a C-test instrument for assessing students’ capabilities in special language
- 2010-2014: Uncertain Evidence in Science Education
- 2010-2013: Science Teachers’ Perceived Demands while Teaching Science with and about History and Nature of Science
- 2008-2012: Teachers’ Beliefs about Judgment and Decision-Making as an Educational Standard (DBU)
- 2008-2011: Climate Change Appears in Court – Fostering Judgment and Decision-Making in Contextes of Sustainable Development (DBU)
- 2008-2010: HIPST – History and Philosophy in Science Teaching (EU)
- until 2023
- Milestones
- Teaching Materials
- Didactics of teaching science and social studies in primary schools
- Social Studies Education (Politics, Sociology, Economy, Law)
- Religious Education
- Graduate School
- Martha Muchow Library
- Academic office (StuP)
- Department of General, Intercultural and International Comparative Education as well as Educational Psychology (EW1)
- Services
- Martha Muchow Library
- Education Media Center
- Digital Teaching
- Digital Research
- Center for Empirical Research Methods
- Resource Center (Elementary Education, English Language Education)
- InkluSoB (Inklusive Schule ohne Barrieren)
- Diagnostics Center