Dr. Maria Ahlholm from University of Helsinki
6. Februar 2024, von Judith Keinath

Foto: Veikko Somerpuro
Dr. Maria Ahlholm is visiting the DiVER group from 5th February to 30th April 2024. Maria is a docent in Finnish language, with specification in Applied linguistics, and she works as a Senior University Lecturer at the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Helsinki. For this semester, she is on research leave and working for the project Migdia (Migration, transnational educational paths, and diasporic plurilingualism).
In Migdia, Maria and her colleagues observe Arabic students attending heritage language classes, and their emerging second language (Finnish). Maria Ahlholm is also part of a Nordic QuiCC team, which compares different Nordic school systems' ways of including the newcomers and language-aware teaching.
For publications, see https://researchportal.helsinki.fi/en/persons/maria-ahlholm/publications/