Prof. Dr. Carole Bloch, Extraordinary Professor at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa
24. April 2024, von Judith Keinath

Foto: Bloch
Carole is an Extraordinary Professor in Language Education, University of the Western Cape, Director of Project for the Study of Alternative Education in South Africa (PRAESA) and one of the Froebelian travelling tutor for The Froebel Trust. Since 2022, she is a fellow at The New Institute in Hamburg and guest of the Research Center Literacy in Diversity Settings (LiDS) at Universität Hamburg’s Faculty of Education. From June 3rd - June 13th, 2024, she visits the research center at UHH again in order to continue working on the project "Learning to Love Literacy", together with Prof. Dr. Gogolin.
She is currently involved in...
...teaching: short courses online, both focusing on early literacy learning in African multilingual settings, and on early childhood education, such as the power of reading aloud to young children and Froebelian pedagogy for PRAESA and The Froebel Trust.
...research: into conditions enabling literacy learning for the year before formal school children in linguistically diverse settings in Cape Town during the year before formal school; and the relevance of an online training course in holistic teaching apporaches for Birth to Four year olds in diverse South African settings, both with colleagues from the Education Faculty, University of the Western Cape.
...a project: Learning to Love Literacy at The New Institute and Universität Hamburg (with Prof. Ingrid Gogolin). In this knowledge transfer project, we draw on research about the importance for literacy development of emotional and motivational factors shaped by socio-cultural experiences. We are currently conducting interviews with adults in Germany and in South Africa, who have become successful in their field, many against all odds, about their memories of significant people and moments relating to stories, reading and their journeys in learning to love literacy.