Dr. Milan Puh von der Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) in Brasilien
15. Mai 2024, von Judith Keinath

Foto: Puh
Dr. Milan Puh von der Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) in Brasilien wird vom 5. bis 13. Juni 2024 bei der DivER-Gruppe zu Gast sein.
Am 6. Juni wird er von 14-16 Uhr in VMP 8, Raum 209, einen Workshop für alle interessierten Studierenden abhalten zu folgendem Thema:
Migration and its intersection with Adult Education and Open and Distance Education
This workshop has two objectives. The first is to present the first results of the research project carried out for the University of Brasilia's UNESCO Chair in Distance Education. This is a state of the art on the topic - Migration and its intersection with Adult Education and Open and Distance Education, observing international migration, especially refugee migration, in the educational policies of the main political-economic blocs in the world , as well as major global economies, in comparison with Brazilian policies, at national and subnational levels in theoretical, methodological and legal terms, highlighting the most recent conceptual changes and problematizations. The second is to analyze the database and discuss ways of working with the data in a qualitative and quantitative approach with a macro perspective to drive a better and broader understanding of the area of knowledge in question and promote further studies and collaborations.
Hier weitere Informationen zu unserem Besucher und seinen Forschungsinteressen:
PhD in Education at the University of São Paulo (USP), Master of Science in Portuguese Language and Literature at USP, Bachelor of Portuguese Language and Literature and Linguistics at UNIZG. Member of Post-graduate Program at the Faculty of Education at USP, dedicated to the research of so-called Oriental Languages in Brazil and between 2022 and 2023, coordinator of the teaching project PROIAD “Initiation and Improvement Program in Language Teaching” at USP. At the moment, teacher at the Federal university of Bahia (UFBA) and coordinator of the Program for Portuguese as a Foreign Language at the same university. Worked on projects dedicated to receiving immigrants and refugees in Brazil, as well as teaching training courses in linguistic education in the public school system. Coordinator of the study group “Eastern Europe on the Move” (LEEM) and “Study Group on World Language Education” (GEELM).
Interested in topics related to History, Languages, Cultures and Education in different Latin American, African and European contexts, with special focus on immigrant communities both in Brazil and abroad.
2018-2019: post-doctorate project "Migration as the basis of international cooperation in the field of language and education" of the Central-West State University in Paraná (Brazil), dedicated to understanding of immigration can foster and promote different kind of internationalization projects.
2020-2021: institutional research project “Production of teaching materials and methodologies for language teaching in the Brazilian context” which resulted in a book “Training guides: for learners and future language professionals at the University of São Paulo”, dedicated in helping new students and teachers in having more autonomy in their studies/teaching.
2021-2023: institutional research project "State of the Art of Teaching Oriental Languages: official documents, teaching materials and academic production" at University of São Paulo, dedicated to researching possibilities on how so called oriental languages can be introduced into Brazilian educational system.
2023: UNESCO research project “Migration and its intersection with Adult Education and Open and Distance Education”, observing international migration, especially refugee migration, in the educational policies of the main political-economic blocs in the world, as well as the main global economies.
2024 ongoing: institutional project “Linguistics and Portuguese Language Teaching: interdisciplinarity and education” at Federal University of Bahia, with an objective to do an initial mapping on linguistic analysis of Portuguese as a non-mother tongue (PLNM), focusing on aspects focused on the teaching-learning topics and relations to other field of research.
2024 ongoing: institutional project “Oriental studies in/through the library of the Center for Afro-Oriental Studies at UFBA” at Federal University of Bahia, meant to provide a first understanding of so-called oriental languages and their potential for research and internationalization at the Federal University of Bahia.