Dr. Yufang RUAN from Zhejiang University, China
26. August 2024, von Judith Keinath

Foto: Dr. XIA, Z.
Dr. Yufang RUAN is ZJU100 Professor at College of Education, Zhejiang University (China). She is also Early Childhood Care and Education Consultant for the UNESCO Headquarter. Her research concerns early childhood development and developmental disorders, in particular how language environment interacts with children’s emergent speech and language skills. Funded by WERA Visiting Researcher Awards, Yufang is visiting IEA Hamburg and University of Hamburg in October and November 2024. During her visit, she continues her research project that has been commissioned in collaboration with IEA Hamburg, linking children’s home literacy activities to their school readiness and reading achievement at grade 4 using data from the PIRLS 2021. With the DivER group, Yufang would also like to explore the complicated decision-making process of language choice using data from the MEZ study.