Invitation to Conference: Innovative Approaches to Conflict Transformation and Refugee SupportSign up now!
16 July 2024

Photo: UHH/Dingler
The Free International University of Moldova is inviting you to participate in their conference "Innovative Approaches to Conflict Transformation and Refugee Support".
Dates: September 19 and 20
Location: Free International University of Moldova (ULIM)
- German Academic Exchange Service
- University of Hamburg
- Free International University of Moldova
- State University of Intelligent Technologies and Communications, Ukraine
- Taalim Forum Public Foundation, Kyrgyzstan
- Tbilisi State University, Georgia
Information about the conference
Partners from Germany, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Ukraine are participating in the conference "Innovative Approaches to Conflict Transformation and Refugee Assistance", which is funded by the DAAD with funds from the German Federal Foreign Office. The aim of the conference is to address the challenges posed by the emergence of digital media as an important socialization context for young people, focusing on issues such as cyberhate.
The conference will bring together government representatives, university academics, members of civil society, private sector representatives and international donors to present and discuss key research findings on conflict resolution and prevention in the digital space.
Thematic focus areas include understanding and preventing cyberbullying, strategies to reduce bullying in physical and digital environments, improving cybersecurity, and combating misinformation to promote accurate and reliable communication. Participants will engage in interdisciplinary research and practice, sharing current insights and debates to promote innovative approaches to conflict transformation and refugee assistance. Further information can be found in the conference-flyer (download PDF).
Register via the Google-Document.