The Faculty Welcomes Students from the Teaching Across Borders Program
2 September 2024

Photo: UHH/ Kunze
On September 2, the faculty's internationals office welcomed six Canadian students who will be joining two Hamburg schools for an 8-week teaching internship. The facutly organized the internships with the help of The Hamburg Center for Teacher Education (ZLH) and is offering a cultural program to accompany the 8 week stay.
The students learned more about the city of Hamburg and the university during a presentation and also received an introduction to the teacher training program and the teaching profession in Hamburg. During a subsequent lunch together on campus and a tour of the campus, the students were able to gain an insight into student life at University of Hamburg and compare it with life at home at the University of Calgary in Canada. The International Office is looking forward to spending time with the students, which will be marked by cultural events where the students will get to know the history, architecture and life in Hamburg.
The TAB program, short for "Teaching Across Borders", is a bilateral exchange between the Faculty of Education at the University of Hamburg and the Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary. Four to six students from Canada come to Hamburg for eight weeks in late summer to complete a school internship, and in return UHH sends two students from the MOTION program or from the teacher training masters to study at the University of Calgary for one semester each year.