Opening Event for the Tricontinental Teacher Training ProjectIt was a successful start to a tricontinental exchange.
26 May 2023

Photo: UHH/TTT
On Tuesday, 23 May, the opening event for the Tricontinental Teacher Training Project took place. Forty students from Ghana, North Carolina, and Hamburg met with their host families, mentors, and teachers.
The event was held at the prestigious Bucerius Law School, marking the beginning of promising cooperation between 40 students from Ghana, North Carolina, and Hamburg. The event was an impressive congregation of students, host families, mentors, and teachers from the schools involved and teachers at Universität Hamburg. Dean Eva Arnold and the American Consul General Jason Chue were honorary guests. They both expressed their admiration for the project.
The evening gave students an opportunity to listen to inspiring talks and comments as well as to get to know one another and begin building tricontinental networks. Interactive games and ice-breakers helped everyone engage and students initiated new friendships. A buffet gave everyone an opportunity to further deepen contacts and share thoughts on their first days of the study camp. Students used the time to talk about their experiences, the cultural differences and similarities they have noticed so far, and to learn from one another. The atmosphere was enthusiastic, open, and focused on the goal of improving educational systems on a global scale.
In the Tricontinental Teacher Training (TTT) project, Hamburg-based students visit partner universities either in Ghana or the United States for several weeks. Afterwards, students from those 2 countries come to Hamburg. Throughout the program’s 9-month duration, participants also visit reflection seminars, engage in virtual and in-person exchange, and gain both academic and school-based experience during their period abroad. In this video (in English with German subtitles), we show how the TTT project works and how the research team from the 3 participating countries works together.
Currently, the application phase for the upcoming TTT is underway. Find more information on the project’s official website. There, you will find detailed information about the application process and the requirements. Contact the TTT Team at"AT" ). if you have questions.