Neli Heidari

Research Associate
Geography Education
Research Foci
The role of language in geography education and geography education research
- Characteristics of geography-specific langauge use
- Subject-specific language use connected to continuous and non-continuous texts (maps)
- Language-aware geography education
- Multilingualism in geography education
- Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Heidari, N., Cruz Neri, N., Schwippert, K., & Sprenger, S. (2024). Metacognition and Lexical Complexity in Sketch Mapping – A Secondary Analysis of Think-Aloud Protocols and Sketch Maps. European Journal of Geography, 15 (3), 177–89.
Heidari, N., Schwippert, K., & Sprenger, S. (2024). Thinking. Speaking. Producing. Maps: linking cartographic concepts and cartography-specific language use. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 1–23.
Heidari, N., Feser, M.-S., Scholten, N., Schwippert, K., & Sprenger, S. (2024). Language Learning in Geography Education: Secondary Analysis of a Systematic Literature Review to Identify Further Blind Spots. Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography (J-Reading), 13(1), 5–22.
Leininger-Frézal , C., Sprenger, S., de Lázaro Torres, M. L., Rodríguez Domenech, M. Ángeles, Heidari, N. ., Pigaki, M., Naudet, C., Lecomte, A., & Gallardo, M. (2023). Global Change Challenge in the Higher Education Curriculum on the approach of Blended Learning. European Journal of Geography, 14(2), 1–14.
Heidari, N., Feser, M.-S., Scholten, N., Schwippert, K., & Sprenger, S. (2022). Language in primary and secondary geography education: a systematic literature review of empirical geography education research. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 32(3), 234-251.
- Articles in practice-oriented teaching journals
Schlamelcher, M., & Heidari, N. (2024). From 'original' to 'sustainable' – fostering sustainability at A level. Teaching Geography 49(3), 120-122.
Heidari, N. & Schlamelcher, M. (2024). Migration in und nach Europa als Bedrohung? Kritisch-reflexiver Umgang mit Kartendarstellungen [Migration to and within Europe as a threat? A critical-reflective approach to map representations]. Geographie heute 45(370).
Heidari, N. (2024). Die Kinder Indiens in Schatten und Licht. Kritisch-reflexiver Umgang mit Armutindizes [The children of India in shadow and light. A critical and reflective approach to poverty indices]. Geographie heute 45(367), 59-68.
Schlamelcher, M. & Heidari, N. (2024). Der Urban-Content-Walk am Beispiel nachhaltiger Stadtentwicklung [Urban-Content-Walk to discover sustainable urban development]. Praxis Geographie 2(54), 48-49.
Heidari, N. & Fraedrich, W. (2022). Wenn die Kontinente nicht mehr genug hergeben [When continents don't have enough to give] . Geographie heute 43(357), 17-21.
Heidari, N. (2021). Malawi – abhängig vom Tabak? [Malawi - addicted to tobacco?]. Geographie heute 42(353), 44-47.
Heidari, N. (2017). Nordatlantische Oszillation – Luftdruckschaukel steuert Niederschlagsvariabilität [North Atlantic Oscillation air pressure pattern controls precipitation variability]. Geographie heute 38(332), 38-41.
Fraedrich, W. & N. Heidari (2016). El Niño und La Niña – Prägende Wetterereignisse in der pazifischen Region [El Niño and La Niña - Formative weather events in the Pacific region]. Geographie heute 27(330).
Heidari, N. (2014). Gebirge in Deutschland – Topographie, Morphologie und Geologie vergleichen [Mountains in Germany - Compare topographical, morphological and geological representation in maps]. Geographie heute 25(320), 28-31.
- Book
Fraedrich, W. & N. Heidari (2019). Iceland from the West to the South. GeoGuide Springer International Publishing. doi 10.1007/978-3-319-90863-2.
Heidari, N., Zilz, K., Sprenger, S. & Höttecke, D. (2024, 30–02 October). Science Media Literacy (SML) – Resilienz gegen Desinformation entwickeln [Science Media Literacy (SML) – Developing Resilience Against Misinformation] [Paper presentation]. Symposium "Geographie unterrichten – Zusammenhänge verstehen – Zukunft gestalten" des Hochschulverbands für Geographiedidaktik (HGD), Karlsruhe, Germany. page=browseSessions&path=adminSessions&print=yes&doprint=yes&form_session=9
Heidari, N., Struck, C., Michalik, K., & Sprenger, S. (2024, 30–02 October). V-Global: MOOC in der geographiedidaktischen Lehre [V-Global: MOOC in Higher Geography Education] [Poster presentation]. Symposium "Geographie unterrichten – Zusammenhänge verstehen – Zukunft gestalten" des Hochschulverbands für Geographiedidaktik (HGD), Karlsruhe, Germany. session=30
Heidari, N., Schwippert, K., & Sprenger, S. (2024, 24–30. August). Thinking and Speaking Maps – Conceptual and Linguistic Abilities of Secondary Students [Paper presentation]. International Geographical Congress, Dublin, Ireland.
Sprenger, S., Heidari, N. & Michalik, K. (2024, 24–30. August). Virtual Field Trips (VFT) - Approaches and Learning Opportunities [Paper presentation]. International Geographical Congress, Dublin, Ireland.
Heidari, N., Schwippert, K., & Sprenger, S. (2024, 30–1. June). Thinking and Speaking Maps – Conceptual and Linguistic Abilities of Secondary Students [paper presentation]. EUROGEO: COMPROMISED GEOGRAPHY: SPREADING A NEW WORLD, Porto, Portugal.
Heidari, N. & Heuzeroth, J. (2023, 19–23. September). Sprache im Geographieunterricht: Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Schriftlichkeit und Mündlichkeit. Ansätze, Methoden, Fördermöglichkeiten [Language in Geography Education: Interrelations of Spoken and Written Language. Approaches. Methods. Support] [Head of Session]. 62. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Frankfurt, Deutschland.
Heidari, N., Schwippert, K. & Sprenger S. (2023, 19–23. September). Lautes Denken beim Kartenzeichnen: Zusammenhänge von kartografischen Konzepten und fachspezifischem Sprachgebrauch [Thinking aloud while drawing maps: Linkages between cartographic concepts and subject-specific language use] [paper presentation]. 62. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Frankfurt, Deutschland.
Heidari, N. et al. (2023, 5–7. July). Language in primary and secondary geography education: a systematic literature review of empirical geography education research [paper presentation]. IGU-CGE: Geography Education for the Anthropocene, Oxford, UK. file:///Users/neliheidari/Downloads/IGU-CGE-Oxford-Conference-programme-27th-June-2023.pdf
Heidari, N. (2023). Reale und virtuelle Lehr- und Lernansätze im Kontext außerschulischer Lernorte. LI-Forum: Dialog mit der Wissenschaft [Discourse with Researchers], Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland.
Heidari, N. et al. (2023, 12–16. April). Research on the Role of Language in Geography Education: A Systematic Literature Review [paper presentation]. AERA Konferenz: Interrogating Consequential Education Research in Pursuit of Truth, Chicago, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika.
Heidari, N., Schwippert, K. & Sprenger, S. (2023, 12–16. April). Thinking and Speaking Maps – Conceptual and Linguistic Abilities of Upper Secondary Students [paper presentation]. AERA Konferenz: Interrogating Consequential Education Research in Pursuit of Truth, Chicago, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika.
Heidari, N. & Sprenger, S. (2023). Chancen und Herausforderungen der kollaborativen internationalen Online-Lehre [Chances and risks of collaborative international online teaching]. ENLIVEN - Enhanced Learning and Teaching in International Virtual Environments Multiplier Event, Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland.
Heidari, N., Schwippert, K., & Sprenger, S. (2022). Die Rolle der Sprache im Geographieunterricht [poster presentation]. Dies Academicus, Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland.
Heidari, N. et al. (2022, 7–9. Oktober). Untersuchung zur Sprache im Geographieunterricht – Eine systematische Literaturanalyse der geographiedidaktischen Forschung [Research on Language in Primary and Secondary Geography Education: A Systematic Literature Review of empirical Geography Education Research] [paper presentation]. HGD-Symposium: Komplexität und Systemtisches Denken im Geographieunterricht, Luzern, Schweiz.
Heidari, N. et al. (2022, 5–7. Mai). Research on Language in Primary and Secondary Geography Education: A Systematic Literature Review of empirical Geography Education Research [paper presentation]. EUROGEO: Re-Visioning Geography For Sustainability in the Post-Covid Era, Lesbos, Griechenland.
- Summer Semester 2021 Master's seminar accompanying pre-service teachers' internships and reflection in geography education classrooms
- Winter Semester 21/22 Master's seminar for pre-service teachers: Language in geography education
- Winter Semester 22/23 Master's seminar for pre-service teachers: Virtual Field Trips
- Winter Semester 23/24 Master's seminar for pre-service teachers: International digital cooperation in teacher professionalization in geography education
Workshops/Teacher Training
Heuzeroth, J., & Heidari, N. (2024, 01. December). Mehrsprachigkeit – als Ressource geographischer Bildung und Werkzeug geographischen Denkens? [Multilingualism – A Resource for Geography Education and a Tool for Geographic Thinking?]. Symposium "Geographie unterrichten – Zusammenhänge verstehen – Zukunft gestalten" des Hochschulverbands für Geographiedidaktik (HGD), Karlsruhe, Germany. page=browseSessions&path=adminSessions&print=yes&doprint=yes&form_session=27
Sprenger, S., & Heidari, N. (2024, 13. June). Diversity in the curriculum: Dimensions of diversity. Example: Gender in textbooks. EUGLOH for future Teachers.
Heidari, N., & Sprenger, S. (2024, 4. June). Virtual Field Trips in Geography Education. Landesinstitut für Lehrerbildung und Schulentwicklung [Teacher Training Institute], Hamburg.
Heidari, N. (2023, 1. November). Language Education in the Subjects, Comprehensive School Wilhelmsburg, Hamburg.
Committee Work
- Board Member of the Faculty Graduate School
- Member of the Examination Committee for Teacher Education Programs (BA/M.Ed.)
- Member of Faculty Research Center "Literacy in Diversity Settings"
- Member of American Education Research Association (AERA)
- Member of University Association for Geography Education (HGD)
Reviewer for
- European Journal of Geography
Short CV
since 21/11/24 |
Doctorate (Dr. phil.) awarded with summa cum laude |
since 01/10/22 |
Member of the examination board for the bachelor's degree program in educational science within the teaching profession |
since 01/10/22 |
Speaker of the board of the faculty graduate school |
since 01/02/21 |
Research associate in the field of geography education supervised by Prof. Dr. Sandra Sprenger and Prof. Dr. Knut Schwippert at the Faculty of Education, Universität Hamburg |
since 01/02/21 |
Teacher (civil servant) at Wilhelm-Gymnasium in Hamburg with the subjects of geography and English |
01/08/19 – 31/01/21 | Teacher training at Wilhelm-Gymnasium in Hamburg |
29/01/19 |
Master of Education at Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel |
01/09/15 – 30/06/18 | Research assistant at the Institute for Coastal Risk and Sea-level Rise lead by Prof. Dr. Vafeidis at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel |
02/11/14 – 22/05/15 | Ambassador to the UK-German Connection |
01/10/14 – 22/05/15 | Foreign Language Assistant in the UK |
2011 – 2019 | Academic education of the subjects Geography and English/North American Studies at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel |