Prof. Dr. Angelika Paseka

Professor (retired)
School Education and School Research
Office hours
- From 01.07.2024, office hours will only take place by appointment. Please send an e-mail, stating your request.
Interest in research
- Teacher professionalism
- Research-based learning
- Uncertainty
- Parents and school
- Qualitative research methods (focus: documentary method)
Curriculum Vitae
- Degree and secondary school teaching qualification in Mathematics & Geography; Teacher Training Academy, Vienna (1976-1979)
- Degree in Sociology & Education Science, University of Vienna (1979-1984)
- Doctorate in Sociology, University of Vienna (1984-1988)
- Postgraduate scholarship in Sociology, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna (1988-1990)
- Post-doctoral thesis (Habilitation) and venia legendi for Education Science, Johannes Kepler University of Linz; Chairman of Habilitation Board: Univ.Prof. Dr. Herbert Altrichter (2007)
Career History
- Secondary school teacher, Vienna (1979-1992)
- Professor of Humanities at the College of Teacher Education, Vienna; School Practices Advisor; Member of the College's Research Board (1992-2007)
- Lecturer, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Institute of Education and Psychology (from 1998)
- Lecturer, University of Vienna, Institute of Education Science (2007-2009)
- Professor of Humanities at the newly founded University College of Teacher Education in Vienna (2007-2010)
- Full Professor of Education Science with a bias on school education, teaching profession research and development, University of Hamburg (2010-2024)
- Member of the Board of the ÖFEB (Austrian Association of Research and Development in Education) (2007-2015, 2024-2026), see
- ÖFEB Representative on the EERA Council (2013-2016)
- Member of the working group on professionalism in the international context (EPIK) established by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture (2005-2011);
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the University College of Teacher Education Upper-Austria (Austria)
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the journal Die Deutsche Schule (“The German School”)
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Studia pedagogica (Universität Brno, Czech Republic)
- Editor-in-chief of the journal Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung (“Journal of Education Research”)
Research projects
ReLieF: Reconstructive Longitudinal Study of Professionalization Processes in an Inquiry-Based Learning Context: A Comparison of Two Universities, funded by the German Research Association (DFG, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
Dates: 2021-2024
The aim of this research project is to reconstruct collective orientations of student teachers underlying inquiry-based learning in two different formats of inquiry-based learning as well as to trace and reproduce these orientations from a longitudinal perspective. Expectations of inquiry-based learning are currently high – especially for the initial phase of teacher training and education. In this regard, inquiry-based learning should provide student teachers with professional skills in two distinct fields, namely teaching praxis and research praxis. Whether and to what extent inquiry-based learning can meet these expectations has so far not been investigated empirically; there is a striking imbalance between the increasing popularity of inquiry-based learning and the current state of research. Against this background, the research project focuses on two diverging formats and examples of the use of inquiry-based learning in the education science and school pedagogics context in Germany: inquiry-based learning in conjunction with a praxis phase (University of Bielefeld) and inquiry-based learning without a praxis phase (University of Hamburg). The group discussions will be analysed using the documentary method and will centre on questions relating to the collective orientations of student teachers underlying inquiry-based learning that can be reconstructed, the continuities and discontinuities with regard to the underlying explicit and tacit knowledge behind these orientations which emerge over the course of the respective inquiry-based learning programme, and the extent to which these forms of knowledge and their interrelations differ depending on the inquiry-based learning format used. The longitudinal study will produce three typologies, which will be augmented in a series of supporting interviews that will accompany the group discussions. In a subsequent, separate step, the typologies will be discussed in the context of the expectations of inquiry-based learning and the anticipation of professionalization through its use. In this way, the project contributes both to the discourse on inquiry-based learning in general and to the discourse on professionalization through inquiry-based learning in the initial phase of teacher education and training in particular.
key-words: Inquiry-based learning, teacher education, double professionalization, reconstructive method, longitudinal study, Documentary Method, Comparison
In cooperation with Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Hinzke, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen:
Some completed research projects
ProfaLe: Promoting Learning in a Changing Society through Professional Teaching; “Teacher Training Quality Offensive”, sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Dates: 2015-2018
Action line 3: Inclusion
Professional teaching demands an ability to differentiate and the use of a variety of didactic concepts and approaches in order to do justice to pupil diversity and be able to think in inclusive terms in many different directions. Action line 3 will therefore study how competences in designing teaching and learning opportunities can be developed during teacher training to ensure that all children can study and learn together. It will also look at how trainee teachers can be effectively and explicitly trained and empowered to perceive inclusion as both a challenge and an opportunity to promote and advance education processes.
JAKO-O Survey about parents in Germany and their opinion about education policy, school and teachers, financed by JAKO-O
Dates: 2011-2018
SHIP: Further education project to “Strengthen Certainty in Action and Intuition by Simulating Practice”. Qualitative case studies at selected schools in Baden-Württemberg, sponsored by the Dr. Helga Breuninger Foundation and the Robert Bosch Foundation
Dates: 2013-2014.
PISA 2009 (Austria): Gender Situation & Gender Differences
Sparkling Science Project “Pupils Develop Schools!?”, sponsored by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science & Research
Dates: 2010-2012
Sparkling Science Project “Opinion Corner - your opinion counts”, sponsored by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science & Research, see:
Dates: 2008-2010
Publications (in English)
Paseka, A., Scholkmann, A., English, A. & Hinzke, J.-H. (accepted, 2025). Crisis, Transformation and Learning: Perspectives on the Future of Learning in Higher Education. In T. Sturm, A. Tervooren, D. Wrana, M. Ritter, M. Schmidt, I. Thaler, T. Grunau & S. Bärmig (Hrsg.), Krisen und Transformationen. Opladen u.a.: Budrich.
Paseka, A., Hinzke, J.-H. & Boldt, V.-P. (2023). Learning through perplexities in inquiry-based learning settings in teacher education. Teachers and Teaching.
Hanke, M., Paseka, A. & Sprenger, S. (2023). Understanding the meaning of uncertainty in geography education: a systematic review. Teachers and Teaching.
Paseka, A. & Rabušicová, M. (2023). Editorial. Parental Involvement: Changes and Challenges. Studia paedagogica, 28(2): Parental Involvement in Schools, 5-10.
Paseka, A. & Killus, D. (2022). Home-School Partnership in Germany: Expectations, Experiences and Current Challenges. Encyclopeideia, 26 (63), 46-56.
Paseka, A. & Byrne, D. (2019). Parental Involvement Across European Education Systems. Critical Perspectives. London: Routledge.
- Paseka, A. & Killus, D. (2019). Parental Involvement in Germany. In A. Paseka & D. Byrne (eds.), Parental Involvement Across European Education Systems: Critical Perspectives (pp. 21-35). London: Routledge.
- Paseka, A. & Byrne, D. (2019). Introduction. IIn A. Paseka & D. Byrne (eds.), Parental Involvement Across European Education Systems: Critical Perspectives (pp. 1-7). London: Routledge.
- Byrne, D. & Paseka, A. (2019). Parental involvement across European education systems. A critical conclusion. In A. Paseka & D. Byrne (eds.), Parental Involvement Across European Education Systems: Critical Perspectives (pp. 191-200). London: Routledge.
Paseka, A. & Schwab, S. (2019). Parents’ attitudes towards inclusive education and their perceptions of inclusive teaching practices and resources. Educational Journal for Special Needs Education. DOI: 10.1080/08856257.2019.1665232
Hoveid, M.H., Ciolan, L., Paseka, A. & Silva, S. M. da (2019): Doing Educational Research. Overcoming Challenges in Practice. London: Sage.
- Hoveid, M.H. & Paseka, A. (2019). Doing educational research. In M.H. Hoveid, L. Ciolan, A. Paseka & S. M. da Silva (Eds.), Doing Educational Research. Overcoming Challenges in Practice (pp. 13-30). London: Sage.
- Paseka, A., Silva, S. M. da, Ciolan, L. & Hoveid, M.H. (2019). Educational research – a space of risk and uncertainty. In M.H. Hoveid, L. Ciolan, A. Paseka & S. M. da Silva (Eds.), Doing Educational Research. Overcoming Challenges in Practice (pp. 317-328). London: Sage.
Paseka, A. (2015). Bringing gender topics into the mainstream in schools. In F. Bettio & S. Sansonetti (eds.), Visions for Gender Equality (pp. 93-97.). European Union. (2015-07-10).
Schrittesser, I., Gerhartz, S. & Paseka, A. (2014). Innovative Learning Environments. About Traditional and New Patterns of Learning. European Educational Research Journal (EERJ), 13 (2), 143-155.
Paseka, A. & Schrittesser, I. (2012). Beyond Measurement: Some Crucial Questions on Research About Professional Competences of Teachers. In B. Boufoy-Bastick (ed.). The International Handbook of Cultures of Professional Development for Teachers: Comparative international issues in Collaboration, Reflection, Management and Policy (pp. 709-732). Strasbourg: Analytrics.
Paseka, A. (2008). Political Will is not Enough: Results from the Evaluation of a Pilot Scheme to Implement „Gender Mainstreaming“. In S. Grenz et al. (eds.), Gender Equality in Higher Education (pp. 137-152). Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag.
Presentations (in English)
DGfE 2024 (Halle, Germany): Between Certainty and Uncertainty. How preservice teachers negotiate their ideas of ‘research’ at the beginning of (inquiry-based) research courses (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Hinzke, University of Gießen, Vanessa Boldt & Alexandra Damm)
University of Helsinki 2021 (Finland): Documentary Method. Getting access to practical knowledge
Macquarie University 2020 (Sydney, Australia): Uncertainty and reflection as core issues of teacher professionalism. A challenge for teacher education.
ECER 2019 (Hamburg, Germany): Professionalization through inquiry-based learning in a university context? Results of a reconstructive study on student teachers in Germany (in cooperation with Dr. Jan-Hendrik Hinzke, University of Bielefeld)
ECER 2019 (Hamburg, Germany): Uncertainty as a Chance for Learning Processes in the Context of Bildung (symposium)
ECER 2018 (Bolzano, South-Tyrol, Italy): Round Table Panel Discussion. Critical Perspectives on Parental Involvement Across European Education System (in cooperation with Dr Delma Byrne, Maynooth University, Ireland)
ECER 2017 (Copenhagen, Denmark): Roles of Parents and Forms of Parental Involvement in Germany
ECER 2017 (Copenhagen, Denmark): Learning processes of teacher students in an inquiry-based learning setting (in cooperation with Dr. Jan-Hendrik Hinzke, University of Bielefeld)
EERA Summerschool 2017 (Linz, Austria): Qualitative data analysis. Analysing focus groups
ICSEI 2016 (Glasgow, UK): Domains of professionalism: teacher competences revisited (in cooperation with Univ.Prof. Dr. Michael Schratz, University of Innsbruck, Austria)
ICSEI 2016 (Glasgow, UK): Development of teacher professionality using a web-based learning platform (in cooperation with Univ.Prof. Dr. Wilfried Schley, University of Zürich, Switzerland)
ECER 2015 (Budapest, Hungary): School-development by, with or against parents? Experiences across Europe (Symposium)
Parental involvement in German schools: the parents’ view (together with Univ.Prof. Dr. Dagmar Killus, Univ. Hamburg, Germany)
8th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education 2014 (Vienna, Austria): Bringing gender in the mainstream? Transition processes from a school- and professionalism-perspective (key-note)
ECER 2014 (Porto, Portugal): Parental Involvement in Schools in Different National Contexts. Future Challenges for Practice and Research (Symposium)
Académie d‘été de la Formation pédagogique des enseignants du secondaire 2012 (Université du Luxembourg): Domains of Teacher Professionalism (key-note)
ECER 2012 (Cadiz, Spain): Studying formal institutionalized learning settings by using the Documentary Method (together with Univ.Prof. Dr. Ilse Schrittesser, University of Vienna, Austria)
Face-it-Conference 2009 (Netherlands): Teachers as Architects for the Future. Competences for European Teachers (key-note)
ECER 2009 (Vienna, Austria): Teacher education and professionalism research. Theoretical framework and empirical evidence (in cooperation with Univ.Prof. Dr. Ilse Schrittesser, University of Vienna, Austria)
Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) 2009 (Paris, France): Combating sexist stereotypes in the media. (Non)representation of women in the media: a sociological approach (key-note)
LTN (Learning Teacher Network)-Conference (Vienna, 2008): Teaching. An Impossible Profession? (in cooperation with Univ.Prof. Dr. Ilse Schrittesser, University of Vienna, Austria)
CECE Expert Workshop (Vienna, 2007): Improving Teacher Motivation and Image