Current News22 March 2024|Computer Science EducationPraxisorientiertes Lehr-Lern-Labor ausgezeichnet: AI und Data Literacy in der MINT-LehrkräfteausbildungPhoto: Matt StarkDas Seminar „Future Skills für Lehrkräfte: Künstliche Intelligenz im MINT-Schülerlabor“ unter der Leitung von Moritz Kreinsen (wissenschaftlicher...Contribution from the news channel Erziehungswissenschaft28 September 2023|Computer Science EducationConceptual Change Texts on Artificial Intelligence – Presentation of a Pilot Study at the WiPSCE 2023Photo: UHH/KreinsenFrom September 27-29, 2023, the 18th WiPSCE Conference on Primary and Secondary Computing Education Research (WiPSCE 2023) took place at Robinson...20 September 2023|Computer Science EducationHow computer science teachers reconstruct learners' conceptions of artificial intelligencePhoto: UHH/KreinsenThe 20th Conference “Informatik und Schule” (INFOS 2023) of the German Informatics Society (GI), organized by the Universities of Rostock and...23 May 2023|Computer Science EducationData Literacy for Teachers, Prof. Sandra Sprenger and Prof. Dr. Sandra Schulz at the "Bildungsschnack"Prof. Dr. Sandra Sprenger and Prof. Dr. Sandra Schulz are the project leaders of "Data Literacy Education - an interdisciplinary module in the context...24 April 2023|Computer Science EducationKeynote in the context of the opening of the “Interdisziplinäres Zentrum Humboldt-Pro-MINT-Kolleg” in BerlinIn the context of the opening of the “Interdisziplinäres Zentrum Humboldt-Pro-MINT-Kolleg” in Berlin, Prof. Dr. Sandra Schultz gave a talk about...17 October 2022|Computer Science EducationCodeweek-Workshop on the development of a weather station with the Calliope miniDuring a two-day Codeweek workshop on October 13/14, 2022, students from secondary school learned how to program the Calliope mini at the...1 August 2022|Computer Science EducationData Literacy at the Intersection of Computer Science and Geography - Teaching Materials PublishedAs part of the research lab "Data Literacy for Teachers" in the summer term 2022 with an interdisciplinary focus on teaching data literacy at the...2 March 2022|Computer Science EducationTeachers' Day - Dagstat Conference 2022On March 28, 2022, an interdisciplinary teacher training will take place, which will deal with conceptual ideas and concrete teaching proposals for...20 December 2021|Computer Science EducationMINT ConferenceA STEM conference will be hosted by the LI on February 18 and 19, 2022. This is expected to be hybrid and will include computer science offerings...24 November 2021|Computer Science EducationInternational Conference on Computing Education Research "Koli Calling" 2021From Nov. 18-21, 2021, the annual "Koli Calling" conference took place again in Finland. Current topics in computer science education were discussed...Show all news