Teacher AID Lab
Interdisciplinary AI + Data Lab in Teacher Education

Photo: Moritz Kreinsen
Project members: Prof. Dr. Sandra Schulz, Moritz Kreinsen, Prof. Dr. Sandra Sprenger, Maimon Thiems
Funding: Digital and Data Literacy in Teaching Lab (DDLitLab) with funds of the Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre
Cooperation partner: Schülerforschungszentrum Hamburg
Aims and background:
Within the framework of this data literacy teaching lab project, it is a new and innovative teaching-learning offer in teacher training for the acquisition of AI literacy and data literacy. This is going to be developed by creating an interdisciplinary "AI + Data Lab" in cooperation with the SFZ Hamburg, which is to serve as a permanent, facultative offer in STEM teacher training. In the teaching-learning lab (Lab), students encounter an extracurricular learning space in which they acquire extensive AI and data competencies themselves on the one hand and didactic competencies through practical and low-threshold exercises on the other, while at the same time gaining practical teaching experience with secondary school students. In interdisciplinary collaboration along the STEM subjects, students will combine their subject-specific knowledge and contexts with methodological and application knowledge, thus learning from each other. The following contents will be addressed:
- Data acquisition and processing methods, especially with the help of sensor data
- Critically interpret, classify and evaluate data
- Learning from data
- Identify and classify artificial intelligence
- The role of humans for AI
- Steps of machine learning
- Strengths and weaknesses of AI
- AI and data ethics
- Programmability
- Decision making using data and AI methods